
Countdown to College

Graduate Support is an important component of the Catalyst Schools.  Our graduates are destined for college and important roles in life.  First Generatio-- Countdown to College was initiated by Ed Siderewicz,Board member of the Catalyst Schools and St. Mary's University employee, and St. Mary's University of Minnesota to prepare Catalyst graduates for college.  The program is getting national attention.  See this link to Fox News for more information.  http://www.fox2548.com/

Catalyst Eighth Grade Graduates At College Before High School

Catalyst graduates from both the Howland Charter and the Circle Rock Charter are participating in the First Generation, Countdown to College Program initiated by St. Mary's University of Minnesota and the Catalyst Schools' board member, Ed Siderewicz.  This four year program engages Catalyst graduates every summer between eighth grade graduation and their graduation from high school.  It promises to have participating students ready for any college they choose.

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Mrs. Jessica Knight-Stevenson Nominated

 Mrs. Jessica Knight-Stevenson has been nominated by her Principal for the 2013 Charter Excellence Awards, specifically the Illinois Charter Schools Classroom Hero Award.  Mrs. Knight (as she is known by her students) has been the 5th Grade and Mentor Teacher for the past 4 years at Catalyst-Circle Rock Charter School in Chicago.  


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