
Catalyst Eighth Grade Graduates At College Before High School

Catalyst graduates from both the Howland Charter and the Circle Rock Charter are participating in the First Generation, Countdown to College Program initiated by St. Mary's University of Minnesota and the Catalyst Schools' board member, Ed Siderewicz.  This four year program engages Catalyst graduates every summer between eighth grade graduation and their graduation from high school.  It promises to have participating students ready for any college they choose.

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Mrs. Jessica Knight-Stevenson Nominated

 Mrs. Jessica Knight-Stevenson has been nominated by her Principal for the 2013 Charter Excellence Awards, specifically the Illinois Charter Schools Classroom Hero Award.  Mrs. Knight (as she is known by her students) has been the 5th Grade and Mentor Teacher for the past 4 years at Catalyst-Circle Rock Charter School in Chicago.  


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Apply now for the 2020-2021 school year!

 Join the Catalyst School communities in 2020-2021!

We hope that you will join a dynamic, loving school community in Chicago's Austin and Chicago Lawn communities! Catalyst Schools' values-based, college-preparatory school communities nurture academic, social, and emotional growth in Chicago students in Kindergarten through 12th Grade. We are enthusiastic about your interest and we invite you to contact us at any point with questions or comments.

*Catalyst is a public charter school open to all Chicago students.  We serve all students no matter what their race, ethnicity, ancestry, country of origin, language spoken, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, academic ability or need for special educations services.  We believe all children can learn and we take an individualized approach to each student’s development.*

The deadline to be included in the 2020-2021 lottery is March 15, 2021. The Catalyst lotteries will be held at the times, dates and locations below:


Catalyst Maria Kindergarten-8th Grade; 10th-12th grades

6727 S. California Ave. Chicago, IL, 60629

Auditorium Stage – March 16, 2021 at 9am


Catalyst Circle Rock Kindergarten-8th Grade

5608 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60644

Multi-Purpose Room – March 17, 2021 at 9am


Applications are still accepted after the lottery, and scholars will either begin the enrollment process if a seat at the desired grade level is available or will be added to the waiting list for the desired grade.

The Catalyst Schools' lottery policy is located here.

The Catalyst Circle Rock and Catalyst Maria applications may be accessed through the link below:

Apply Now


We hope that your scholar and family will join the Catalyst community for the 2020-2021 school year!

Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.