
Catalyst Academic Committee Meeting Agenda 6.18.24

The Catalyst Board of Directors' Academic Committee will hold a meeting on June 18, 2024 from 1:30-3:00 to discuss academic results in SY23-24, items related to charter renewal, and SPED, teacher licensure, ELL, and discipline figures. This meeting will be held by video conference- please contact Catalyst's Director of Administration Michael Kasang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 773-897-5816 for conference call information.

Catalyst Board of Directors 5.20.24 Meeting Agenda

The Catalyst Board of Directors will hold a meeting May 20, 2024 from 3:00-5:00 pm. The agenda and meeting information are below. All Catalyst Board meetings are open to the public, with a public comment portion during the time below.


Catalyst Circle Rock Charter School

5608 W Washington Blvd

Chicago, Illinois 60644


*3:00-3:20 Welcome: Larry Williams, Chair and Gordon Hannon, CEO

  • Review of agenda
  • Review and vote for approval of March 18, 2024, Board of Directors meeting minutes; May 17, 2024 Finance Committee meetings minutes; and May 15, 2024 Academic Committee meeting minutes.
  • Vote to approve Steven D’Souza for three-year renewal Board of Directors term through June 2027
  • Vote to approve Andrew Jones Smith for Board of Directors renewal term through May 2025
  • Moment to honor Steve Brown and Monica Smith for their 15 years and 4 years of service to the Board

*3:20-3:30 – Family and Community Committee: Mitzi Moore, Gordon Hannon, Ed Siderewicz, and Michael Kasang

  • On-going Board level monitoring of family and community relations and responsiveness
  • Charter renewal advocacy

*3:30-3:40 - Public comment (limited to 2 minutes per speaker)

*3:40-3:50 – CEO report to Board: Gordon Hannon

*3:50-4:00 - Academic Committee: Dr. Catherine Burns

  • On-going Board level monitoring of key performance indicators- IAR, SAT, IEP on-time completion percentage, discipline data, ELL, and attendance metrics
  • Charter renewal timeline

*4:00-4:30 - Finance and Strategic Issues Committee: Yuan-Ying Hsu

  • YTD FY24
  • Performance of CPS Finance and Operation Scorecard metrics YTD
  • FY25 budgeting process
  • Loan discussion

*4:30-4:45 Catalyst Schools will select operator of food service provider for 2024-2025 school year

  • Vote for approval of the highest scored food service provider for Catalyst Schools from the following five bids: Quest Foods, Genuine Foods, Gourmet Gorilla, Taher and Organic Life.

*4:45-5:00 – Governance items: Gordon Hannon and Larry Williams

  • Discussion on Board membership, terms, and recruitment of new Board members

Catalyst Academic and Finance Committee Meetings' Agendas 5.15.24 and 5.17.24

The Catalyst Board of Directors' Academic Committee will hold a meeting on May 15, 2024 from 9:00-9:45 to discuss academic progress YTD and SPED, teacher licensure, ELL, and discipline figures. This meeting will be held by video conference- please contact Catalyst's Director of Administration Michael Kasang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 773-897-5816 for conference call information.

The Catalyst Board of Directors' Finance Committee will hold a meeting on May 17, 2024 at from 9:30 -10:30 to review of financials FY24 YTD, FY25 budget, and Catalyst bank loans. This meeting will be held by video conference- please contact Catalyst's Director of Administration Michael Kasang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 773-897-5816 for conference call information.

Catalyst Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 3.18.24

The Catalyst Board of Directors will hold a meeting March 18, 2024 from 3:00-5:00 pm. The agenda and meeting information are below. All Catalyst Board meetings are open to the public, with a public comment portion during the time below.


Catalyst Circle Rock Charter School

5608 W Washington Blvd

Chicago, Illinois 60644


3:00-3:20 Welcome: Larry Williams, Chair and Gordon Hannon, CEO

  • Review of agenda
  • Review and vote for approval of February 23, 2024, Board of Directors meeting minutes; March 12, 2024 Finance Committee meetings minutes; and March 13, 2024 Academic Committee meeting minutes.
  • Mission centering (Ed Siderewicz)

*3:20-3:30 - Public comment (limited to 2 minutes per speaker)

*3:30-4:00 - Academic Committee: Dr. Catherine Burns

  • On-going Board level monitoring of key performance indicators- IAR, SAT, IEP on-time completion percentage, discipline data, ELL, and attendance metrics

*4:00-4:30 - Finance and Strategic Issues Committee: Yuan-Ying Hsu

  • YTD FY24
  • Performance of CPS Finance and Operation Scorecard metrics YTD
  • Loan discussion
  • FY25 budgeting process
  • KCAF update

*4:30-4:45 – Family and Community Committee: Mitzi Moore, Gordon Hannon, Ed Siderewicz, and Michael Kasang

  • On-going Board level monitoring of family and community relations and responsiveness

*4:45-5:00 – New business / Open conversation

Catalyst Academic and Finance Committee Meetings' Agendas 3.12.24 and 3.13.24

The Catalyst Board of Directors' Finance Committee will hold a meeting on March 12, 2024 at 11:00 to discuss financials YTD and performance against CPS Finance/Operations metrics. This meeting will be held by video conference- please contact Catalyst's Director of Administration Michael Kasang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 773-897-5816 for conference call information.

The Catalyst Board of Directors' Academic Committee will hold a meeting on March 13, 2024 at 10:00 to discuss academic progress YTD and SPED, EL, MTSS and discipline programs. This meeting will be held by video conference- please contact Catalyst's Director of Administration Michael Kasang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 773-897-5816 for conference call information.

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Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.