
Catalyst Howland parent advocates in Washington DC!

Catalyst Howland parent Darlene Williams traveled to Washington DC with the organization Stand for Children Illinois to advocate on behalf of Illinois children! Check out a picture of Ms. Williams and other advocates below!



Circle Rockets perform with the Civic Orchestra in Orchestra Hall!

The Circle Rockets, a 90 scholar Orchestra formed in partnership with Ravinia and Catalyst,  are privileged to work with the Civic Orchestra this week!  After being mentored and coached by Civic Orchestra musicians each day after school, the Circle Rockets will then play with the Civic in a side-by-side performance - along with students from three other Sistema based programs - at Symphony Center on Saturday, February 7 at 12:00 PM! The press release from Ravinia can be found here.  Many thanks to the CSO and Ravinia for making this opportunity a reality for our scholars!

Circle Rockets Drum

Catalyst Maria Hosts INCS Parent Leadership Forum 2/5/14

Catalyst parents, staff and supporters are invited to celebrate the advocacy efforts of charter school parents at the INCS Parent Leadership Forum! This year’s forum will be held on February 5, 2014 from 5:30-7pm at Catalyst Maria!  Charter school community members are encouraged to celebrate the success of charter school parent advocates who have completed the INCS Parent Leadership Training, learn more about charter-wide advocacy efforts, and sign up for upcoming opportunities!

Please contact INCS Parent Engagement Manager Jasma Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or call 314-630-8843 to confirm your attendance and number of people in your group.  Childcare and a dinner will be provided at the forum- please let parents and members of your school community know about this exciting event!

BIG Events for Circle Rockets Orchestra in January!

The Circle Rockets, a 90 scholar Orchestra formed in partnership with Ravinia and Catalyst, have some BIG events happening in January!

On Saturday, January 24, 2015 members of the Ravinia Associates Board (around 50 attendees) will be on hand at Catalyst-Circle Rock. At 10:30 AM the Circle Rockets will show off their greatness in a knock-out performance, followed by break out sessions with the Board Associates, and culminating with a Side-bySide performance.  It promises to be an INCREDIBLE morning!

During the week of January 26th members of the Civic Orchestra will be on campus to work alongside our scholars at their daily practices. On Friday, January 30th, Mr. Welz Kauffman, President and CEO of Ravinia and members of the Ravinia Jazz Scholars will have a performance for our middle school scholars at 11:30 AM. At 4:30 PM that afternoon, the Civic Orchestra members will perform with our scholars in a Side-by-Side concert!

These events will take place at Catalyst-Circle Rock Charter School- questions can be directed to Ms. Sharon Morgan at CCR! Circle Rockets Orchestra


Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.