
Catalyst celebrates Black History Month 2025!

The Catalyst school communities are excited to celebrate Black History Month throughout February! This provides opportunities to reflect, learn, and celebrate the powerful impact of Black history on our world!  We will share events throughout the month and hope you will join us in celebration!

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Principal Elizabeth Jamison-Dunn a finalist for Zell Family Alumni of the Year Award!!

We are honored to announce that Catalyst Circle Rock Principal Elizabeth Jamison-Dunn is a finalist for the Zell Family Alumni of the Year Award!

Each year, the Zell Family Alumni of the Year awards through Teach for America honor distinguished alumni teachers, school leaders, and systems leaders who have shaped equity in education and strengthened the community at the classroom, school, and systems levels. 

Ms. Jamison-Dunn was selected as one of two finalists for the school leader award, with the winner announced in the coming weeks!  A founding member of Catalyst Circle Rock in 2007 and the school's principal since 2015, we are inspired by Ms. Jamison-Dunn on a daily basis!

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Catalyst Schools CLOSED January 20-21, 2025

Catalyst Schools will be closed for all classes and before/after-school activities on Tuesday 1/21/2025 due to weather. The schools will also be closed on Monday January 20, 2025 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance. Please stay safe in the winter weather!

Winter Break 2024-2025

Catalyst Schools will be closed to scholars and staff for Winter Break from December 23, 2024- January 3, 2025.

Scholars will return TUESDAY January 7, 2025.

Staff will return Monday January 6, 2025 for Professional Development.

Have a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to an incredible year in 2025!


Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.