
Sheriff Tom Dart visits Catalyst Circle Rock scholars and parents

Through the efforts of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, Catalyst Circle Rock Dean Jason Kent, and members of the Cook County Sherriff’s Department and CCR, the Junior Sheriff Mentoring Program celebrated another successful year with an event last Friday! The vision of the Junior Sheriff Mentoring Program is to shape communities by engaging and mentoring today’s youth.  In the process, youth are provided support and the opportunity to better understand and develop relationships with law enforcement.



BIPOC Excellence in Medicine Panel at Catalyst Maria 2023

Catalyst Maria High School held their third annual panel celebrating BIPOC Excellence in Medicine. This event was led by Ms. Levin and is the culmination of the study of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  The event featured four panelists: Dr. Yashna Naidu (resident at Lurie Children's Hospital), Ms. Carmen Anzalone (Talent Acquisitions Specialist at Sinai Hospital), and CM’s amazing nurses, Nurse Ava and Nurse Polk! Juniors in English III and scholars in BioMed were invited to learn from and ask questions of the panelists.

bipoc 2023

Community coffee and conversation with Catalyst CEO Gordon Hannon

Catalyst CEO Gordon Hannon and members of the Catalyst Maria team recently had an inspiring meeting with CM parents! The purpose of this meeting was to renew in-person quarterly gatherings with members of the Bilingual Advisory Committee and Parent Advisory Committee (as well as any interested parent) with Mr. Hannon and the CM team.  These meetings aim to build parent community, and to listen to parents’ experiences and hopes at Catalyst Maria.  At this meeting, the team also introduced newly elected Catalyst Board Member and Catalyst Maria parent Ms. Mitze Moore.

Fourteen parents attended, including members of the Bilingual Advisory Committees and Parent Advisory Committees. Representing the Catalyst Maria team were Naurice Olivera, Alberto Ramirez, Lydia Hope, Julio Velez, and Gordon Hannon.

Parents expressed care and appreciation for the CM staff, highlighting strong communication between parents and the school and the strong leadership by Principal Dawn Donati. Ms. Moore and Mr. Hannon discussed how a parent from each campus are part of the Catalyst Board, and how Catalyst continues to work on ways to coordinate BAC/PAC meetings, breakfasts, and ways to listen to and collect parent voice.

Coffee with CEO 2023

Next week- Catalyst Schools 2023-2024 Lotteries!

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at our dynamic and loving school commmunities! We are hopeful that you will be able to join our incredible scholars, staff and families at Catalyst Circle Rock and Catalyst Maria! The first step in the application process is to apply at this link:


The Catalyst Circle Rock and Catalyst Maria lotteries for the 2023-2024 school year will be on the dates and times below:

Catalyst Circle Rock Kindergarten-8th Grade

5608 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60644

Main Office– March 29, 2023 at 9:00 am

Catalyst Maria Kindergarten-8th Grade; 10th-12th grades

6727 S. California Ave. Chicago, IL, 60629

Auditorium Stage – March 28, 2023 at 9:00 am

The Catalyst lotteries are open to the public and will be monitored by an independent auditor. The deadline for inclusion in the Catalyst Circle Rock and Catalyst Maria 2023-2024 lotteries is March 26, 2023.

Catalyst is a public charter school open to all Chicago students.  We serve all students no matter what their race, ethnicity, ancestry, country of origin, language spoken, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, academic ability or need for special educations services.  We believe all children can learn and we take an individualized approach to each student’s development.

The Catalyst Schools' lottery policy is locatedhere.

Applications can be completed online through the link below or at either Catalyst campus. 


Choose Your Future – Catalyst Maria Post-Secondary Career Fair

Catalyst Maria seniors and juniors recently attended the annual Post-Secondary Career Fair. This year there were over 30 different careers presented to scholars, including three by alumni representing their careers and organizations. Thank you to Mrs. Comiskey for organizing this event and to everyone that presented their careers!

Career 2023 2


Support Catalyst    

Please join our efforts as a champion for changing lives at The Catalyst Schools. If you would like to speak with a Catalyst staff member about your donation, please call us at 773-295-7001.